Tuesday, September 18, 2007

It's ain not a Secret

Most probably you have heard about the secret or heard about people mention law of attraction. It was a hit in most local bookstore and I saw this book in piles in bookstores when I transited in LA international airport in my recent trip to USA. However it slipped from my attention as soon as work load and events started to pick up till recently when I chatted with a friend over phone and she mentioned she had attended some classes which have transformed her. She show impressive improvement and I can feel her focus and determination is more intense than ever since I knew her. Awesome!

In layman term, Law Of Attraction means "You get what you think about, whether wanted or unwanted. You get what you put your energy and focus on.Energy attracts like energy.Everything draws to itself that which is like itself." Practically, you demand to the universe and you believe and you prepare to receive.Most of us have applied this law everyday without realizing it and unfortunately most of us was brought up in notions such as "We must feel gratitude and content with what he already have and we can not always get what we want. The worse I can think of is "if we cant have it most probably we are not deserving or we are not capable of".

If you ask me whether I'm skeptic about it, frankly my answer is yes. The idea sound like magic and effortless. Let's do a checklist on how many negative thoughts u circulate innerly in your mind per day and how many of your achievement was started of by a strong determination and intense focus. In certain extent, it explain why it is much more easy to find instances from our past experience to negate the attraction law eventually most of us was trained to express our thought in negative manner such as "I do not want to be scolded by my client", "I can not handle this task" and etc. In my life till date I received several outcomes which I had said negatively in my mind. Energy attracts like energy materialized here.

mind -> thoughts -> actions -> result.

I started to believe it's not magic. Whenever your mind have negative thought about some outcomes, the actions derived from it will eventually lead you to the disastrous result.

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